

염상섭 후기 단편소설의 창작방법론 -‘개성(個性)’과 ‘젠더’ 문제를 중심으로


Reviews Yeom sang-seop short stories of creative methodologies - ‘individuality’ and ‘gender’ issues around


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Reviews of short stories Yeom sang-seop awareness of these issues is an extension . However, compared to the previous reviews of the novel is fiction that men and women and the patriarchal ideology of gender identity issues in the search for the authentic ‘individual’is embodied by the problems associated with the differences are. Therefore, a family history of heart about the couple and attention, and gender roles within families rather than individuals as a selfconscious. His novels, especially the ‘everyday reality’that “mansejeon” novels from the last “stand bites”to the diverse and specific circumstances are depicted. In reality, an epic novel of his these grammatical features in grants women the right to exist, people around the structure or gender affiliation romance novels that the talks said that. The female characters in his novel appeared in the dating relationship, or marriage relationship between the target and from men to highlight the reality of an epic strategy will function as a parameter. Women principals in novel Yeom sang-seop Reviews with a focus on personality and personal issues in more detail revealed. This is due to the patriarchal order, women have to endure suffering and exploitation, but from which escape the attention of the people will be starting from. He was the same claim as their own personality or ignored by others can not handle this situation, women who do not give up their individuality, gender ideology, while the diffuse consciousness that is realized. In his story, like those of women in the patriarchal order, with the dissonance is highlighted. Since the 1920s, Yeom sang-seop is the stick through the end of the 1950s, the personal discovery, self-awareness of the modern in terms of epistemology, and is coupled with a lot of speculation. In other words, gender ideology is being questioned in the novel of Yeom sang-seop simply exist within the patriarchal family hierarchy, and women’s issues that cause conflict not only express individuality, self-realization at the level.


1. 들어가는 말: 전후 문학과 일상성
 2.‘ 개성론’(個性獠)과 젠더 이데올로기
 3. 여성화자와‘개인’의 발견
 4. 맺음말: 3인칭 소설의 서사 전략


  • 최성실 Choi, sung-sil. 경원대 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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