

한일(韓日) 초등학교 국어 교과서에 수록된 동시와 동화


The literary work to be mentioned in Korean and Japanese Textbook


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The literary work mentioned in Korean and Japanese Textbook has many similarity and difference. The following is the peculiarities compared from an angle of difference. 1. There are lots of onomatopoeic words and mimetic ones on children’s verse of Korea. Because that makes the children get subtly different feelings of language. In other words, Korea set a high value on education base on functionalism before relishing poems itself. But Japan value the literary work above everything else at aesthetic point of view. 2. Even nameless author is invited to Textbook in Korea. It thinks much of a text suited to teaching language. but in Japanese textbook, a summit-level one like Miyajawa Kenji and Kaneko Misuzu is mentioned. 3. A fairy tale in Korean textbook is realistic and, what is more, very instructive. but one in Japanese’is poetical and environmentfriendly. Both put a fable to good use to give occasion for motivation to study. 4. Fantastical stories of Korea are less than that of Japan. So, It caused want of imagination and dream. For this reason, children of Korea usually like animation of Japan. And in Japanese case, a fellowship of person to person is a smaller number than Korean one. What is worse, the traditional utopia of Japan is not inflated to the neighboring country. 5. The national language education of Korea and Japan has Asian flavor(worth). Both had better actualize pacifism in an area of the national language education through interchange between each other.


1. 문제제기 : 국어교육의 배후에 존재하는 것들
 2. 교과서에 수록된 한국과 일본의 동시 세계
 3. 교재시의 문학성을 어떻게 볼 것인가
 4. 교과서 동화 : 아시아적 가치와 한일(韓日)의 차이
 5. 국가주의를 넘어 한일의 교감은 가능한가


  • 송희복 Song, Hui-Bog. 진주교대 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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