

다매체시대의 문학비평 (1) : 원작소설과 각색영화의 주제해석에 관하여- 이청준「벌레이야기」와 이창동 <밀양>


Literary Criticism in the Era of Multimedia (1) : About theme interpretations and modification in the original novel and adapted movie - With a focus on The Story of A Worm by Lee Cheong-jun and Milyang by Lee Chang-dong


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In recent years, there have been active discussions about the connections between narrative and media at the result of the soaring interest in the existing patterns of narrative in the rapidly changing cultural environment after the advent of diverse media. There is twopronged interest in the expansion or adaptation of narrative according to media transfer; one is about the cultural use of literary texts and their reproduction into useful contents, and the other is about the interactions between the literary and film description structure. Explorations of literary texts’usability as original works are related to the production of diverse cultural contents. In comparative studies between literary and film texts, a focus has been placed on the combinations of media and literature and the transference patterns, which are three; one is literature influencing film; another film influencing literature; and the other literature and film influencing each other. In this study, the investigator set out to examine the first pattern with The Story of A Worm by Lee Cheong-jun and Milyang by Lee Chang-dong and compare the original novel with the adapted movie. There can be many approaches toward comparative study between novel and film texts. When one is under the influence of the other, we can examine how the influenced text reorganizes the original text and how the influential relations are reflected. When moving a movie out of a novel, the director becomes the reader of the novel text and the producer of the movie text. He or she inevitably introduces his or her critical interpretations throughout the creative transformation process including adaptation and direction. Focusing on the adapted movie’s interpretative perspectives of the original novel and the ways they were revealed, the study tried to search for analysis methods to allow for compatibility in media and formats.


1. 서론
 2. 문학적 서술 구조와 영화적 서술 구조
 3. 매체의 변환에 따른 서사의 확장 혹은 변용
 4. 각색영화의 비평적 해석과 창조적 변용의 함수 관계
 5. 결론


  • 나소정 Na, So-Jung. 명지대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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