

문자 매체와 영상 매체의 서사 비교 연구 -「사랑손님과 어머니」의 각색 과정을 중심으로


Comparison between the medium of text and the medium of image-Focused on the dramatization process of “A visitor in sarang-bang and mother”


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper is studying for the dramatization process of“ A visitor in sarang-bang and mother”under the purpose of researching the story creation methods by comparing the medium of text with the medium of image. Novel is completed by a point of view and a narration of speaker because it is a story written by language. The other hand, Movie makes a story with camera’s eye because it is made by scene. If you dramatize the novel, the change would appear in a point of view and a narration of speaker because of the peculiarity of medium. The novel “A visitor in sarang-bang and mother”has a specific point of view. When we compare novel with movie, we can confirm this point. Thanks to the ironical practical use of first person of view like this, this novel is completed stories of various aspect. That is to say, this novel show the realation of a visitor in sarang-bang and mother and the realation of a visitor in sarang-bang and ock-hee. In addition, this novel reveals a visitor in sarang-bang and mother’s contradictive state of mind and ock-hee’s desire and frustration parodoxically. The other hand, the movie “A visitor in sarang-bang and mother” can’t show a visitor in sarang-bang and mother’s contradictive state of mind, suggestion and summarized naration etc. The movie set up a maid and a egg seller’story as a sub plot in order to complement this point. It is accomplished irony by putting the frustrated relation of a visitor in sarang-bang and mother and the happy relation of a maid and a egg seller in a line. The comparison of novel and movie reveals the problem of dramatization skill and genre’s speciality. The study and investigation like this suggest the question of the day about the story creation methods because the medium of text and medium of image interchange in today activitly.


1. 여는 말
 2. 문자 서사와 영상 서사
 3. 소설「사랑손님과 어머니」-시점 활용에 의한 중층적 서사
 4. 영화 <사랑방손님과 어머니>-교차편집에 의한 중층적 서사
 5. 맺는 말


  • 이만교 Lee, Man-Kyo. 한서대 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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