

1인칭 소설의 콘텐츠 변용 양상 고찰 -소설 <여제자>·영화「내 마음의 풍금」· 뮤지컬「내 마음의 풍금」을 중심으로


A Study on the‘ Contents’Variation Features of the First-person story -Focusing on「 the Female Disciple」(novel) and「 the Organ in My Heart」(movie) and「 the Organ in My Heart」(musical)


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this essay is to observe the ‘contents’variation features of the first-person story 「the Female Disciple」. It should be preceded the understanding of the specificity of art form and unique characteristics for smooth variation between the different art forms. The narrator’attitude and position are the very important narrative elements. The narrator of 「the Female Disciple」is located in out of text. He Continue to be involved in the text. Therefore the readers must understand the his intend to interpret the textual content. The movie 「the Organ in My Heart」offers the intervention of narrator through ‘showing’. The narrator is located in out of text shows acts and psychological conflicts by diversifying the focalized person. And he is more concentrated narrators’s statements than the inside meaning of the narrator’s. As a result, It offers new meaning of text to create new events comparing to the novel. The musical「 the Organ in My Heart」exposes the perspectives and feeling of focalized persons overlapped with events in the text by narrative devices. For example, stage, song, dance, lighting and so on. It occasionally let to see event on the stage and character’s perspectives at the same time, the way of producing emphasizes overlapped perspectives. This way is represented by variety of the focalized persons. In conclusion, The way of the focalization is the very important method when the novel turns to movie or musical. Therefore ‘contents’variation features of 「the Female Disciple」is very important case that is considered the process of variation by changing the way of focalization.


1. 서론
  1) 문제 제기
  2) 연구 방법
 2. 본론
  1) 이야기 원천으로서의 소설 : 하근찬「여제자」
  2) 「여제자」의 콘텐츠 변용 양상
 3. 결론
 참고 문헌


  • 신종곤 Shin, Jong-Gon. 대진대 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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