

설화에서 변용된 물의 이미지 연구 -김춘수 강은교 김혜순의 시를 중심으로


A study of the water image acculturated in narrative


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This thesis was inspected how the water in the space of narrative was regenerated in the comtemporary korean poetry and how it functioned in individual work. And further more it was studied how these works influenced to the modern korean poetry. It’s because Water is the most important image, and motif not only in korean narrative but also modern korean poetry. As the result of this study, the water in the space of narrative is a medium between the persona and the poet who accepts narrative and it provided the motif to open characteristic, poetic world of the poets and it became creative and dynamic material. In summary, ‘the sea’in ‘Cheoyongdanjang’of Kim Chunsu’s poetry, means the world of infancy before ‘realistic ego’is differentiate from this world, that is to say, it is‘ the recurrence to the mythological world.’ In this poem the poet thinks water is the mirror of the infancy and also the world of paramita, at the same time it is Utopian world found in the past. Kim Chunsu tried to fill up vacancies through the affluent maternal love of water which the sea contains and tried to restore his life disillusioned with the ideology conflict. Therefore, this type of water has the symbol of ‘maternal generosity’and ‘healing’. Kim Chunsu borrowed the water of Cheoyong narrative and made his object to pioneer and establish his poetic world after his middle years. The water contains the rebirth image which rises from the death in ‘The journey song of Baridaegi’in the Kang Eungyo’s poetry. The Pilgrimage of water in this poetry symbols the poetic narrator ego who is purified and cured and the water finally made affluent maternal sea erect. With this, the river water in ‘Yuhwa’of Kang Eungyo’s poem represents the ‘maternal generosity’and through this work, the poet did religious incantation which seeks for the will of life against the sea of futility The water shown in the ‘Madam Yuhwa’by Kim Hyesoon is the place of‘ punishment’and‘ death’, at the same time, it is the place of ‘rebirth’and ‘restoration’. It is because ‘Madam Yuhwa’gave birth to her son, Jumong through water. The water in this case equals to the mother placenta which protects life from death, and the suffering in this time plays a role of opening eyes of ‘Madam Yuhwa’s maternal love. Moreover this water becomes the material that make the poet write as the main body of a woman. That is to say, the woman deserted from men writes poems with the lips of river which entangled endlessly. Here is reflected the will of poet which recovers the life force of mother hurt. This work has strong meta character about writing as a woman subject; The poets in the early period of accepting narrative, from 1920 to 1950, informed the national unity and unified through narrative. But above all, these poets transformed classical narrative with more modern motif and made the korean poems more characteristic and affluent.


1. 여는 글
 2. ‘유년회귀의 거울’로서의 바다
 3. ‘치유와 재생’으로서의 물
 4. ‘모성 발견의 통과의례’로서의 물
 5. 맺는 말


  • 오정국 Oh, Jeong-Guk. 한서대 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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