

한국 서사예술에 나타난 ‘라틴아메리카’의 의미 고찰


A Study on Latin America appeared in Korea narration art


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Latin America has been recognized as an alien country for Korean writers. Although between two countries have done international exchange such as politic, economy and art, but in Korea narration art including fiction, performance, film seldom finds the space of Latin America. This study aims at categorizing and analyzing Korean narration works relating with Latin America, and observing the mean of the space of the country. Through this research, the space of Korea narration art can enlarge its border, and revitalize cultural relationship between two countries. The space of Latin America appeared in Korea narration art will be divided into four categories below. First, unreached exit - an imaginative space : Korean could not go abroad independently before 1988. Therefore, Latin America was regarded as an escaped space from a gloomy political situation well as an unreached place. For instance, in Kim Won-on-il’s fiction“ Festival of Darkness”,‘Club Amazone’would be a representative example. After 1988 the liberalization of visiting foreign country, it still could not be easy to go to Latin America owing to the distance. So the country maintains the mean of unreached place for Korean writers. Kim Do-youn’s short story “Zero hour Buenos Aires”would be an relevant work. Second, visiting place - an experiential space : Some narration works reflect the real experience to visit Latin America. For example, in Shin Kyoun-suk’s fiction “Leaving home”, a narrator realizes the mean of family and hometown through the journey. In Jung Eulbyung’s s story“ The Door to Nature”, a narrator gets to know Korean immigrants situation and the destruction of Mayan civilization. In Kim Hyun-jung’s film “Double Agent”, characters are cast out from both North and South Korea, and move to Rio de Janeiro for now life, but finally get shot. Third, witness land - a historical space : The first generation of Korean immigrants settled down at peninsula de Yucatan in Mexico. They wanted to go to paradise, but worked hard in uncultivated farm. Many people died because of the harsh environment and physical labor, however some overcame the difficulties and established new society. Kim Sang-youl’s drama “Anniquin”describes this historical fact, that adapted for movie and musical. Kim Young-ha’s novel “Black Flower”is also relevant work. Fourth, the land of challenge and frustration - a living space : Korean immigrants to Latin America was regularized by Korean government since 1962. Kim Yong-sung’s novel“ Immigrant”reflects the character of various class and focused on the whole lives of Korean immigrants. Baik Si-jong’s fiction “Iguassu Falls”reveals immigrants’expedient and illegal action for economic success. Bae Youn-suk’s film “Do U Cry 4 Me Argentina”tells the sense of alienation of young immigrant group called‘1.5 generation’.


1. 한국과 라틴아메리카의 거리
 2. 닿을 수 없는 탈출구 : 상상 공간으로의 라틴아메리카
 3. 여행지, 머물 수 없는 땅 : 체류 공간으로의 라틴아메리카
 4. 기억과 증언의 땅 : 역사 공간으로의 라틴아메리카
 5. 기회와 도전, 그리고 좌절의 땅 : 생활 공간으로의 라틴아메리카
 6. 결론


  • 최수웅 Choi, Soo-wung. 단국대 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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