

매스 미디어 시대 한국 현대시의 전개 방향 고찰 ─ 시와 만화를 중심으로


Mass media age, a change direction consideration of Korea modern poetry ─ Around the poetry and cartoon


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



How Korea modern poetry have absorbed a cartoon imagination. And we are unfolded to any direction from now on the joining of the cartoon of the potry. We try to watch a change possibility of the poetry through this. We meet the cartoon to be continued with the character as the painting of the painting with the story. The potry of the Park chul shows the structure with the scene to correspond to an one room of the cartoon. The text and painting are joined together so that it is suitable. The feeling of the poetic speaker to calm to anger does infancy days scribbling and is delivered therefore. but the piece cartoon which Park Sang Soon’s potry has the story. Simple painting like the scribbling restrains the feeling of poetic speaker. We make and interesting atmosphere are suitable. His potry adjusts a suspicion ton and gives the sense of real. We can be seen as the surface so that we are childish. But the poet overcomes this apply the painting of rather childish more method. The other hand, the potry of Gun hyeok ung does not have painting. This poetry lent the story of the cartoon and people and reconfigure reality. The character of reality collides with a super power character. But there is the work of a dimension different from this. Ham Gi Suck does not pursue the meaning. He refuses existing to write the poem. He arranges the language here and there it when he sees as free signifiant. To be connected for his work with the cartoon through a signifiant play is interesting. The other side, The potry of Lee Jun Gyu laughes at serious meaning pursuit. He pursues the anti-association, meaninglessness and context destruction. He destroies a common sense about the potry also. Poetic speaker of Ham Gi Suck and Lee Jun Gyu like the child. The potic speaker of the Lee Jun Gyu is the boy if the potic speaker of Ham Gi Suck is the child. The while our Korea modern poetry absorbed the art, movie, music, and picture. We made the width of the poetry to this task. Which does thing happen if young poets combine the grammar of the cartoon in Ham Gi Suck and Lee Jun Gyu? Now our morden poetry must pass over now simple level of a citation of the masses media or parody. We must investigate how the mode of the phase lag of poets can be altered about masses media.


1. 들어가며─시와 만화의 친연성
 2. 그림과 언어의 결합
 3. 언어적 차원의 상상력
 4. 나가며-새로운 시대의 시와 상상력


  • 박상수 Park, Sang-su. 명지대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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