

식민지 현실과 민중적 삶의 언어 ─ 이용악 론


Reality of Colony and Popular Living Language ─ A study on Yong-Ak Lee poetry


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The literature has an important role in independent existence of an ethnic group and development of human being. So, the first thing to be considered in reviewing the achievement and meaning of literature in Japan colonization period is the corresponding aspect toward reality of colony. In the desperate situation where the life of ethnic group itself were threatened, the national literature in the period of occupation by Japan searched the life in poverty, irony of colonization society and the fundamental reason of the irony because it is what one should be and has a meaning as methodological practice of national right recovery. Yong-Ak Lee is the representative poet singing the language of experimental authenticity in the field of national literature. Especially he recognized the sorrow of emigrants in person and formed in density by linking this thoughts with national irony about colonization ruling system. Also, it is notable that the his poetic emotion is based on the sentiment of northeastern area. Different from feeling in Pyungan province appeared in Sowol Kim or Suk Baek, his poetry has an important meaning in expanding the spectrum of lyric poet in which he expressed the language and emotion in the borderland of the north in Korean Peninsula. On the other hands, his poetry based on ethnic emotions inclined to modernity on esthetic subjectivity in 1940s. This is because of the influence of autistic insecurity mental state in the life of prospect-less under the Japanese colonization. His poetry after the liberalization focused on the real life of violence. His poetry was reflected as another national tragedy by return of emigrants, conflicts between the rights and the left, and adherence of national division. However, the language of authenticity based on national reality of life could not be searched in the literature history of Korea because of his crossing over the border into North Korea during Korean War. His poetry after crossing the border could not have but adjust standardized and conventional literature creation of North Korea. We can call this is the tragedy of national division and also the tragedy of national literature history.


1. 머리말
 2. “별”또는 그리운 조국
 3. 불모의 조국과 저항의지
 4. 유이민의 현실과 민족적 수난
 5. 전망의 부재와 모더니티의 경도
 6. 배반된 해방과 분단의 역사
 7. 맺음말


  • 홍용희 Hong, Yong-hee. 경희사이버대학교 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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