

이공계 글쓰기의 교과과정 연구


A Study of curriculum on the technical writing in science and engineering department


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



As the necessity of writing education is underlined recently, the existing education has been converted into more subdivided and professional one according to the characteristics of each major field. Differentiated from the previous integrated writing system covering all the areas, writing education specialized for each domain has been put emphasis on now, and its phenomenon seems to be much more reinforced thanks to the social demand for capable workers of practical experience. In this paper, taking universities for instance whose writing systems are specialized for each department now, the present state of writing education of engineering departments was investigated, and the writing materials and their contents based on the index was also analyzed. In the result, the writing materials of each university could be divided into ‘Specialized Writing’and ‘Integrated Writing’in terms of the pattern of their composition, and when the actual curriculum was studied, almost all of the universities were found out to operate the system of integrated writing. Besides, according to the contents of the curriculum, they were classified into 3 patterns such as ‘Integrated-Topic Composition’, ‘Lecture-Centered Composition’ and ‘Problem-Solving Composition’, but most importantly, it could be judged that the materials dealing with all the 3 patterns properly be the most effective ones. On the base of this discussion, a new table of contents for writing of engineering departments was composed with the contents of a new curriculum. The integrated pattern was chosen for the curriculum composition, and since the materials were premised on lectures of 16 weeks for one semester, general writing was provided prior to the mid-term exam, and specialized writing for engineering departments was provided after it. The contents of the curriculum were designated for ‘Topic- Integrated Type’and ‘Problem-Solving Type’to be applied according to the characteristics of each chapter. The Part 3 was about understanding and practice of writings on technical topics, which was ‘Topic-Integrated Type’dealing with writings of exact expressions through reasonable thoughts. The Part 4 was‘ Problem-Solving Type’ which combined the knowledge on the majors of engineering departments and writing to create various ways of writing on technical topics. As mentioned above, the composition of writing materials for engineering departments was attempted. It seemed that there would be many aspects which should be modified and supplemented if an actual compiling of new writing materials were taken into an action. It is sure that writing education of a semester-lasting curriculum cannot improve students’writing ability remarkably. But, the development of education should be keep going on so that most students in engineering departments who have prejudice against writing may approach the field of writing more easily and they may get closer to the writing education needed for a better social career.


1. 들어가는 글
 2. 이공계 글쓰기의 현황
  1) 이공계 글쓰기 교재의 목차와 개요 비교
  2) 이공계 글쓰기 교재의 유형 분석
 3. 이공계 글쓰기의 교과과정 개발 방안
  1) 이공계 글쓰기 교재의 목차 개발
  2) 이공계 글쓰기 교재의 교과 내용 개발
 4. 나가는 글


  • 송정란 Song, Jeong-Ran. 건양대 전임강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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