

현대시의 도시체험 확대와 일상성의 성찰 - 1990년대 이후의 시를 중심으로


Enlargement of Experiencing city in Modern Poetry and Self-reflection of Dailiness - With priority given to poetry since 1990s -


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Quantitative expansion in city life changed the moderner’s life into equal and average dailiness. Urban dailiness is the root of modern life. Dailiness became one of the most important key ideas to consist of modernity. Dailiness has been denied in the aesthetic category by its repetitiveness and heteronomy, but dailiness became the key element to understand modernity in post industrial society. Thus, investigation of dailiness provide a regular conformity frame needed to understand modernity and literature of post industrial society. One of the most important poetic thoughts in modern poetry is the self-reflection of daily urban life. This sort of poetic self-recognition is expressed and reflected as sarcasm and criticism of daily life. In our daily life under industrial capitalism, commercial products and money become something to diffuse mysterious power and worshiped by people for that reason. However, capitalistic cultural logic and ideology which encourage people to worship material and put them under its control indeed the element to threat human and its life. Modern poetry shows a sensitive and avant-gardism reaction toward this dailiness. While exploring urban dailiness, this article pay attention to the poetries which express self-reflection and recognition of ‘unconsciousness in modernity’in that and discuss the artistic experiences of poets about dailiness introduced by the metropolitan space. The daily life of moderner is produced in the urban space of highly developed post industrial society. This sort of cultural environment change, in other word urbanization, or increasing experience of urban life acts as an essential index to express historical changes in korean modern society and poetry. From this point, dailiness is one of the most important concepts. Dailiness in modern life is product of civilized city life. Dailiness become one of the comic subject or even forbidden by poets to write about. It is a life automatically repetitive and mechanical and even conventional. in one word, as a fine part of reality, earthly dailiness was understood as something not artistic and even filthy and moreover was denied as something worthless by artists. However, due to the collapse of experiencing aura and increasing experience of urban life, capitalistic dailiness became payed attentions to with fresh eyes. City and urban life controled by dailiness is somewhat political and economical space and at the same time artistic space as well. Moderner often experience artistic experience while doing daily social life. This sort of artistic experience is a new phenomenon which wasn’t noticed before the time which de-modernized city was not even introduced yet. Therefore, this article specially focus on how korean modern poetry pay attention to the capitalistic dailiness and illuminate how the main poetic body reacts from urban life experiences.


1. 머리말
 2. 묵시록적 상상력과 공포의 미학
 3. 반복의 신화와 가능성의 균등화
 4. 욕망의 생태와 환(幻)의 세계
 5. 물신체험과 소외의 수사학
 6. 맺음말


  • 김홍진 Kim, Hong-Jin. 한남대 조교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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