

고은 시의 ‘누이 콤플렉스’ 극복 과정


Overcoming the “Sister Complex” in Ko– Eu’s Poems


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Poems written by Ko- Eu in the 1960s can be described as encompassing romantic sensitivity, nihilism, and modernism. Especially, the image of “sisters”is the key to understanding his poems. Through this, Ko-En’s poems from the 1960s created an imaginary war criminal, sister and a morbid?social cognition. This, however, is only a fabrication of writer consensus and imagination, and writer intention to lend credence to this fictional concept has resulted in the establishment of the conceptual fallacy of a “sister complex.” These elements have begun to flourish in the new social environment. The poet, with a reflection on the idea of ‘sister’and self inspection, has tried to add a more realistic meaning to his poems. By aggressively expressing the process of overcoming the “sister complex,”the poet has made this in itself a“ literary motivation.” Within this transformation, there always lies the theme of “the creation of discussions,”which can be refered to as reflecting his political ambitions. Experiencing the death by immolation of a worker, his poems express a strong sense of realism; whether this was intentional is unknown. To a poet with a strong romantic sensitivity, political inconsistency and irrationality were the impetus for becoming more passionate and acknowledge the importance of selfconviction. Strictly speaking, the poetical transformation to the image of sister, history and reality has had the same significance and implications on his personal life. The changing desires and aesthetic alterations expressed in the poem “If I weren’t present at the 4.19 movement,”should be understood as expressing the changes to Ko- Eu’s poems. Romanticism combined with Nihilism has developed into a revolutionary romanticism, and Ko-Eu has finally escaped from his poetic frame of a “Sister Complex.”


1. 서론
 2. 단절과 연속
 3. 내면적 근거 · 1 ; ‘문학적 자기동일성’이라는 개념
 4. 내면적 근거 · 2 ; 열망의 존재론과 현실주의
 5. 결론


  • 한원균 Han, Won-kyun. 충주대 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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