

1920년대 초기 번역시에 나타난 ‘퇴폐성’연구


A Study on‘ Decadence’in Translated Poems of Early 1920’s


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Baek Cheol considered 1920’s as the period of decadent literature and Jo Yeonhyeon insisted that members of the literature coterie which published a magazine, Pyeheo, were conscious of the Western decadence and wrote their poems under the influence. But nobody has argued against what they said. If Korean poets in 1920’s came under the influence of Verlaine and Baudelaire with strong decadent trend, it is needed to study that what poems of the two poets they read and what works of 1920s the poems of the two poets had an effect on. Hence this paper tries to study what poems have decadence among Verlaine’s and Baudelaire’s translated poems, which has hardly done by researchers of Korean literary history. 「Black and Endless Sleep」among Verlaine’s poems is looked upon as a poem of decadence. Because the poem shows indulgence in sick condition and hypersensitive self-consciousness. It got over Korean traditional way of thinking which had negative perception about death and a life after death. And also it didn’t put a taboo on death, accepted it to some extent, and had vague yearning for it. In view of these facts, the poem had an influence on Park Jongwha’s 「Going back to a Secret Chamber」and 「Heuk -bang-bi-gok」, and Park Younghee’s 「A Ghost Land」more or less.


1. 실마리
 2. 본줄기
  1) ‘퇴폐성’이란 무엇인가
  2) 번역시의 양상
  3) 번역시인의 대표자 베를렌
  4) 퇴폐성의 대표자 보들레르
 3. 마무리


  • 이승하 Lee, Seung-ha. 중앙대 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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