

분열된 욕망의 현실조응 양상 연구 ─ 김승옥 소설에 나타나는 ‘성장’의 의미를 중심으로


A Study of an Aspect of the Actual Agreement as against Spilt up Desire. ─The Focus on Meaning of Growth as Appear in Novel of Kim Seung Ok


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In this study, writer’s consciousness is analyzed by looking at the way he recognizes reality and responds to it. Especially writer’s consciousness and related motif is utilized as a useful tool in understanding Kim Seung─Ok’s novels. Father─absence motif becomes more important as Kim begins to pursue self─ consciousness from his work, “Life Practice”that makes the first entry to the Korean literary circles. This “self─consciousness” mainly confronts the materialistic desire of contemporary capitalism. It is also interesting that sexuality motif affects his works in various ways. This becomes a main motif when setting up a relationship of men and women. His view about women including his mother who directly related to the other motif, father─absence, is very complicated and peculiar. The way of self─consciousness recognized by sexuality is clearly divided into three periods; former, middle and latter. In former works, women’sex tend to be sacrificed to and violated by men. Young boys grow up after living a period of admiring “The world of sister”and violate women to clear the stage and move to the next reality. It is a sort of “qualification test”to men. Women sacrificed to men represent victims of violating modernization and also stand for evilness of men’pursuing self─consciousness. So to speak, male characters in Kim’s novels who “decide”to grow up by betraying “The World of Sister”tend to keep their self─ consciousness by“ overcoming”guilty conscience. As we have looked at the whole period of his works, Kim Seung─ Ok novels overall talk about confrontation between the pursuit of purity and the principles of reality represented by materialistic desire. Characteristics cause complications between these two desires. Common ego is busy pursuing given desires without knowing what it’s following. However, it can’t be ever satisfied as capitalism produces endless desire to maintain its system.


1. 1960년대와 김승옥의 현실인식
 2. 분열된 욕망의 통과의례적 자기 찾기
  1) ‘극기’로 만든 ‘자기 세계’
  2) ‘성장’의 의미─누이의 세계 배반하기
 3. 마치며


  • 서연주 Seo, Yeon-Ju. 국민대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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