

시나리오를 통해 본 분단소재 영화의 성패 요인 분석 - <공동경비구역 JSA>와 <DMZ 비무장지대>를 중심으로


An analysis of major Factors in Success or Failure of Movies about national Division through Scenarios : With Emphasis on <JSA, Joint Security Area> and <DMZ, Demilitarized Zone>


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper deals with two movies about national division in 2000's, 'JSA, Joint Security Area' and 'DMZ, Demilitarized Zone'. Although they were made with similar subject matters in the same period, only one of them could achieve a public success. Investigating its main reason in the scenario aspect is the aim of this paper. In this research, an approach has been made to plots, characters, and ideologies, which are considered as the most important factors of playwriting. In the plot aspect, firstly, the connection between plot point and sequence was examined. On one hand, JSA properly located the plot point using the direct introduction method, which generates tension from the beginning. On the other hand, DMZfailed in the cohesion of plots due to the delayed position of plot point, indirect introduction, and linearly arranged episodes. In the aspect of character-making, JSA established the distinctive characters between major roles, and showeda good model by closely relating each character to plot. To the contrary, DMZ depicted a reversed relationship between the leading role and the supporting roles in the character establishment, ending up with a disturbance of audience identification with characters, as well as a loose plot caused by a number of minor roles occupying their own episodes. In regards to the understanding of national division, JSA took an attitude to encourage both carelessness and seriousness which is distant from the traditional solemnity, thus it could conformto the sense of young generations in 2000's. Meanwhile, DMZ failed to generate a distinctive perspective from past movies, by staying in the traditional dichotomy. In summary, advantages and disadvantages of scenarios, other than external reasons, had primary influences on success or failure of these two movies. Nevertheless, this issue should be further investigated from many other angles as well, considering those influences from the mechanism possessed by today's industrialized society.


I. 서론
 II. 본론
  1. 플롯
  2. 인물설정
  3. 분단인식
 III. 결론


  • 오영미 Oh, Young- Mi. 충주대 부교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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