A Study on the Conflict between the Buddha-nature and the Human-nature in the Ham Se-duk's <A child Buddist>
The subject of this work searches the mother who is simple and the pole for held, religion comprehends is not like that pole which it speaks. The subject which is represented with the people ‘Do-Yeom' which is overcomes the object, actuality is difficult at once and discovers oneself and it is bigger in the world which is opened it is aiming above the elder brother to keep school register meaning from point. is like that ‘Do-Yeom' searches the mother not to be melodrama, the widow selects a failure and the religion extreme which is thin in the illegal world it knows there is a possibility of doing. When until now catching the feature of Ham Se-duk's Works, that it keeps a romantic feeling world-wide recognition, it said and it saw it came but all works from like this time and, by a same analysis when trying, rather will be the possibility to provide the margin which is the possibility of going out with the tendency which is visible the surpass ceremony which leads the discovery of oneself.
1) 초기작품의 형성배경
2) 연구사 검토
3) <동승>의 문학사적 위치와 문제점
2. ‘갈등’의 시간․공간적 배경
3. 불성(佛性)과 인성(人性)간의 갈등
4. 결론 : 초월의식에 의한 갈등극복