

작문 교육의 효과적인 방안 연구 - 문예교육지도교사 자격증 취득시험과 관련하여


A Study an Effective Plan of Composition Education. - With Reference to an Examination for Obtain a Literary Education Teachers License.


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The study comes the 4th for an examination for obtain a Literary Education Teachers License and make observation of a problem in the concreate, this writing is study for a course of this system of examination and a efficient plan. In particular, the 4th examination showing a regular tendency of question for writing and reading line, a works of understanding and a domain of analysis, and a portion of theory and criticism of common knowledge in literature. Specially, among them, its need to deserve attention for writing course in relation to question and lately this portion of tendency to be connected to composition education. In relation to real life, in midst of specific situation, it was asked to an ability of problems solution or to be connected to a sense of values and the question was taken from emphasize the point of comprise meaning an action under face up to composition course. The study course was classified as following steps are do for plan, for creation, for systemalization, for expression and adjustment also this course have to do with education program. After all, a course of the focus education attached great importance to the shape of thinking conduct by the writer have a experienced than completed writing in write course. Such as a education together with a thinking of cultivation and have an education method by reading of discussion for helpable program. However, here is important of a focus of text, a focus of faculty not take to knowledge lesson, learner induce a part in subjective or it must be laid to focus of interaction by mutual text. Therefore, a qualifying examination contents in itself literature text or before set limits to practical literature must be used to text of various concept. Also, the subject of concretness must be figured out to meaning and distinction sensitive for close with composition education and take consider into diversity system.


1. 문예교육 관련 자격증의 동향
 2. 문예교육지도교사 자격증 취득시험의 출제 경향 및 유형 분석
 3. 문예교육지도교사 취득시험을 통해본 작문 교육의 방향
 4. 문예교육지도교사 자격증 취득시험을 위한 제언


  • 서연주 Seo, Yeon Ju. 국민대 강사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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