The Research of Hair Style Through the Mass Media - ßased on 2010-2011 of Wel la Professionals Trend Vision -
The show of sensibility consumers whom mass media developed by caused common people to feel like having gorgeous fashion to respect contemporary trends, as well as much more interesting how to set up total image formation and beauty design of caring themselves which are having confidence in their minds than before.
Recently in 21st century, we have faced with a variety of communication age which is caused by the development of mass media. Among them, hair magazine is a important thing leading hair trends, providing amused beauty information, and show contemporary beauty trends, and taking a great role or forming some cultures.
Now, beauty trends are globalized by the rapid development of information and technology concerned, like mass media, internet and soon. The period of changing the trends have a tendency to getting shorter then ever.
After all of these trends periodically repeated times in the past with a sense of the hair that it is reinvented to suit the flow is a factor.
Therefore, this study of how the years 2010-2011 Wella Professionals Trend Vision appeared to work by limiting the study to investigate the flow of each period is to c1ean up.
I. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
2. 연구 방법 및 범위
II. 이론적 배경
1. 대중매체와 트랜드
2. 트랜드 발생원인
3. 웰라 헤어스타일 트랜드 비교분석
4. 웰라 2010-2011 년 프로페셔널즈 트랜드비전 비교분석
III. 결론