Up Style Production with Organic Patterns of Nature and Design Factors
Today' s ready-made trend and mechanization don' t satisfy each consume' s individuality and needs. Since 2003, people have been increasingly turning to nature and considering eco-friendliness and environment. In line with this trend, formative principles in images of nature have been found and applied to up style. Up style was regarded as a special style for Hanbok (Korean traditional dress) or wedding but now is commonly used in semi -up style and general styles. As a part of expressions to show individuality, this shows one’s own style. Therefore, this study manufactured total 4 up styles applying organic patterns of nature and formative principles, found out the design to complement weak points of each head due to different starting points able to obtain head volume, and divided styles. Through this, the purpose of this study is to manufacture the design that is suitable for consumers and complements weak points of different heads. If color is added to the design point based on organic patterns, there occur dynamic expressions. This work was designed by focusing on the practical hair design but the work with strong artistic factors seems to be a good data for Hair Art formative work as well.
I. 서론
1. 연구의 필요성 및 목적
2. 연구방법
II. 이론적 배경
1. 유기적 형태
2. 디자인 조형 원리
3. 업 스타일
4. 용어정리
III. 작품 제작 및 해석
1. 작품의 모티브 및 적용된 조형원리
1. 리듬 (Rhythm) 을 응용한 작품제작
2. 점이 (Gradation)를 응용한 작품제작
3. 조화 (Harmony) 를 응용한 작품제작
4. 방사 (Radiation) 를 응용한 작품제작
III. 결론