

광해군대 궁궐 경영과 ‘新闕’의 영건 - 慶德宮의 영건과 성격 변화를 중심으로


King Gwang’hae-gun(光海君)’s Renovation of existing Royal palaces and Construction of a new one - Examination of the construction of the Gyeongdeok-gung(慶德宮) palace, and how its meaning changed over the years

광해군대 궁궐 경영과 ‘신궐’의 영건 - 경덕궁의 영건과 성격 변화를 중심으로


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Examined in this article, is the political meaning of king Gwang’hae-gun’s construction of a ‘New Palace(新闕), as well as the changes that happened in the meaning and status of the Western Special palace(西別宮, also named as Gyeongdeok-gung/慶德宮). After his enthronement, king Gwang’hae-gun renovated certain palaces like Changdeok-gung/昌德宮and Chang’gyeong-gung/昌慶宮, and eight years later, decided to pursue the construction of a new palace, in his 9th year in the throne. He intended to create a special(separate) palace in the vicinity of the West Grandgate( “Western Special palace”), and create an additional Ih’gung/離宮structure in its rear area, so that he could meet with the foreign emissaries without revealing too much information to them, such as the inside layout of the main palace or the internal situations of the capital city. Yet as construction began, the Western Special palace became so large that it practically came to serve as an Ih’gung structure. And at the same time, after prince Yeongchang Daegun was killed and Queen Inmok Wang’hu was expelled, the Gyeong’un-gung/慶運宮palace was renamed as Seo’ gung/西宮and was stripped of its prior status as an Ih’gung structure. The structures inside the Gyeong’un-gung palace were dismantled, and summarily relocated to Gyeongdeok-gung.


I. 머리말
 II. 西別宮 영건의 경위와 목적
  1. 西別宮 영건의 경위
  2. 西別宮 영건의 목적
 III. 慶德宮의 성격 변화와 그 배경
  1. 慶德宮의 定號와 성격 변화
  2. 廢母論과 慶運宮의 西宮 격하
 IV. 맺음말


  • 윤정 Yoon,]eong. 경상대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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