

It’s the Speaker, Not the Language : Teaching SI into English in the Taiwan context


Damien Fan

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Simultaneous interpreting (SI) into the B language (usually English) is commonplace in the Asian markets, therefore SI into English is a compulsory course in many interpreting schools. However, due to insufficient English proficiency and underdeveloped multitasking skills, students’ performances are often not ideal. The paratactic nature of the Chinese language taxes students’ cognitive load and exacerbates performance. Class sessions get bogged down when the instructor spends too much time on fixing the output. Shifting the focus from the (English) output to the (Chinese) input may be a more effective strategy (and rewarding experience) for both students and teachers, at least in the Taiwanese classroom. This paper introduces a teaching method adopted in the SI into English classroom which is taught by the author. This step-by-step, process-oriented approach aims to familiarize students with the expressions they will need in the assigned topics, so as to minimize the interference and setbacks caused by inadequate B language proficiency. This will allow more time for the instructor to focus on SI strategies pertinent to the Taiwan context. The most important ones are being assertive when necessary and keeping the interpretations short and simple.


 I. Introduction
 II. The Taiwan context
  1. The Chinese language
  2. The market/speaker
  3. The program at GITI, NTNU
 III. Teaching SI into English
  1. Format
  2. Speaker
  3. Production
 IV. Conclusion


  • Damien Fan Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation National Taiwan Normal University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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