

Effects of Input Rates on the Performance of Novice Simultaneous Interpreters


Won, Jong-Hwa

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The performance of simultaneous interpreters has been reported to be affected by varied factors including sound and vision, accent and intonation, speed of input delivery and source text complexity. Among these factors, input rate or the speed of input delivery has been considered one of the most significant factors affecting the performance of interpreters. In actuality, a number of researchers have talked about the effects of input rates on the performance of simultaneous interpreters. However, there has not been sufficient empirical data concerning the factors affecting interpreters’ performance with a few exceptions like those of Gerver’s (1969). The analysis by Gerver, however, was based solely on quantitative data. While acknowledging his contribution, this paper aims to gain a deeper understanding of the complicated processes involved in interpreting through more of an introspective research method. Informed by the analysis of simultaneous interpreting texts as well as interpreters’ retrospective think-aloud protocol, this paper proposes that input rates have significant effects on interpreters’ rate of coverage and flow of logic, but have little effect on the types of errors interpreters make while interpreting. Rather, the types of errors were affected more significantly by the direction of interpreting.


 I. Introduction
 II. Factors affecting simultaneous interpreters’ performance
 III. Experiment
  1. Materials
  2. Participants
  3. Procedure
 IV. Data analysis
 V. Results
  1. Coverage
  2. Error types
  3. Flow of logic
  4. Difficulties interpreters had while interpreting
 VI. Conclusion


  • Won, Jong-Hwa Chung-Ang University


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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