Although consumers recognize the social, economic and cultural damage caused by their knock-off purchasing, this unethical buying behavior has been constantly increasing. As the reproducing techniques are advancing rapidly, the low prices of knock-offs and their diversity in design are soliciting consumers. Based on the assumption that knock-off purchasing is greatly influenced by individuals' subject evaluation on knock-offs, we attempt to find out how consumers' buying manner and intention is influenced by their subjective evaluation on knock-offs. In so doing, we conducted a survey for Korean and Chinese college students residing in Busan, and analyzed their behavior characteristics. The findings from the survey analysis include: (1) most of the respondents have purchased fashion brand knock-offs, and Chinese students purchase more knock-offs than Korean students; (2) Five factors of subjective evaluation on fashion brand knock-offs (dissatisfaction, satisfaction, diversity in design, recognition by others, and price) were derived, and six factors of knock-off purchasing manner (approval of knock-off purchasing, uniqueness, credibility, vogue, face-saving and subjectiveness) were derived; (3) In the subjective evaluation on international knock-offs, the factors of ‘satisfaction’, ‘recognition by others’ and ‘price’ were more influential whereas in the purchasing manner, the factors of ‘knock-off purchasing’, ‘uniqueness’, ‘credibility’, and ‘face-saving’ were more influential.
Ⅱ. 이론적 배경
제1장. 주관적 평가
제2장. 패션 명품복제품에 대한 구매태도
Ⅲ. 연구방법 및 절차
제1장. 연구문제 및 연구모형
제2장. 연구대상 및 자료수집
제3장. 측정도구 및 자료분석
Ⅳ. 결과 및 논의
제1장. 패션명품 복제품 구매현황비교
제2장. 요인분석 결과
제3장. 주관적 평가와 구매태도에 대한 구매의사
제4장. 주관적 평가와 구매태도 간의 상관관계
Ⅴ. 결론 및 제언