

동사 의존 형태소 re-의 의미


Meanings of the Verb-Bound Morpheme re


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Meanings of the Verb-Bound Morpheme re- Hanki Park (Chonnam National University) This paper is a research for a semantic network in which each meaning of re- is related to one of the member meanings. The bound morpheme prototypically adds the adverbial meaning of “another time” to its host verb and this re- of “another time” can be expanded to acquire the meaning of “another time and another time” to represent iteration. Re- can add the adverbial meaning of “another time in a more intensive way” to its host verb and the “another time in a more intensive way” can be expanded to “in a more intensive way” to represent intensification without repetition. Re- can add “another time to a better/different state/place” to its host verb and this re- can be expanded to acquire the meaning of “to a better/different state/place” to combine with a verb to represent improvement without repetition. “Another time back to the former place/state” is another meaning of re-, which can be expanded to acquire the meaning of “back to the former place/state” to combine with a verb to represent restoration without repetition. “Another time in return for the former deed” is the last meaning of re-, which can be expanded to acquire the meaning of “in return for the former deed” to combine with a verb to represent return without repetition.


I. 서론
 II.re-V형 동사에서의 re-의 의미
 III. 결론


  • 박한기 Hanki Park. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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