

서지학적 관점에서 존 스타인벡의 종교적 태도와 성경사용


John Steinbeck’s Religion Attitude and Use of the Bible from A Bibliographical Point of View


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



John Steinbeck’s Religion Attitude and Use of the Bible from A Bibliographical Point of View Chee Bok Hwang (Jeonju University) This is a study about John Steinbeck's religion attitude and use of the Bible from a bibliographical point of view. Until now Steinbeck scholars have had to rely almost exclusively upon Steinbeck's fiction to extrapolate the author's attitudes toward religion and Christianity. Such enterprise is fraught with critical danger, itself a trap into which we often stumble. To observe an author's characters believing or behaving in certain ways, and to ascribe the belief or behavior to the author is, of course, a critical error of the worst kind. With the aid of Steinbeck's published letters, recent biographies and various articles, however, I can more clearly understand Steinbeck's own attitudes toward religion and, to the point of my study here, toward orthodox Christianity and the Bible. Therefore the intention of this study is to illustrate one tradition in Steinbeck criticism, the focus upon his use of the Bible in fiction. Moreover, as the bibliographic entries make clear, I think that it is a particularly rich but unsettled tradition, marked both by naive and superficial judgements but also by carefully sustained textual analyses that have illuminated Steinbeck's fictional technique.




  • 황치복 Chee Bok Hwang. 전주대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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