

정보 왜곡의 문제—바바라 킹솔버의 『라꾸나』


The Problematics of Information Distortion in Barbara Kingsolver’s The Lacuna


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Problematics of Information Distortion in Barbara Kingsolver’s The Lacuna Yong-Ki Kang (Chonnam National University) In her documentary novel The Lacuna (2009), Kingsolver criticizes politicians, newspaper men, or magazine editors, who intentionally distort plenty of information involving a Bolshevik revolutionist Leon Trotsky's political career and an American novelist Harrison W. Shepherd's lifetime experience as well. The primary distortion of information is made by Joseph Stalin and his followers who allege Trotsky as a traitor. The first twisted information spreads across the world through Pravda and many American presses whose coverage activity is nothing but speculation, the result of which is to justify the assassination of Trotsky. Even if Harrison has never been a communist, now, he is also accused as a communist writer by the American government simply because he once served for Trotsky in Mexico as his cook and typewriter. The relevant authorities and capitalism-addled American presses concur to set him up as a communist and finally drive him to commit suicide. Information distortion produced within the story could be seen in the pragmatist perspective. Although the first distortion is generated by politicians are highly motivated with their greed for power, the lack of enough ‘inquiry’ and ‘deliberation,’ along with their immorality, causes the second distortion of the reporters and editors. Procuring un-falsified information is more important than any other element in sustaining democracy. Also, the uninhibited flow of true information certainly helps to base the ideal evolution of our future-society. The smaller ‘lacuna,’ thus, the better community.




  • 강용기 Yong-Ki Kang. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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