

존 파울즈 서술 기법의 영화적 변용


Cinematic Application of John Fowles’s Narrative Technique


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Cinematic Application of John Fowles’s Narrative Technique Hyun Pae (Mokpo National University) John Fowles doubted the traditional view of the novel which conceived it to be a literary genre that could faithfully represent the reality, and raised questions concerning the authority of the novelist who could create the significance through writing. In his The French Lieutenant's Woman, Fowles tried to represent the reality which was newly perceived in this postmodern world through various innovative narrative techniques: he invented an equation of higher degree using “third-person omniscient narrator” and “first-person intrusive author” as its variables and induced a creative participation of the reader by manipulating multiple endings. Harold Pinter's screenplay of The French Lieutenant's Woman adopted “a film-within-the-film” technique: he used the location romance between Anna and Mike as a frame story in which the 19th century love story of Charles and Sarah was made into film. This device turned out to be a brilliant cinematic application of the formal characteristics of the novel and an effective analogy to the self-reflexiveness of the narrative voice and the intricate plays of the multiple endings. In so doing, this method successfully recreated certain traits of the original story, while exposed its incompetence in representing another and produced a little different visual aestheticism.


I. 소설의 서술 기법과 영화의 서술 기법
 2. 존 파울즈 소설의 영화화
 3. 파울즈의 서술 전략 - 전지적 화자와 작가의 개입
 4. 헤럴드 핀터의 영화 문법 - "영화 속 영화"


  • 배현 Hyun Pae. 목포대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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