

『마블폰』에 나타난 생태의식


Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Ecological Consciousness in The Marble Faun

박양근, 이치운

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Nathaniel Hawthorne’s Ecological Consciousness in The Marble Faun Yangkeun Park・Chi-Wun Lee (Pukyong University) The purpose of this thesis is to study the ecological consciousness of Hawthorne in the The Marble Faun. The Marble Faun is a masterpiece which shows Hawthorne's ecological insight that was backed up by the period of his background while he was staying in Europe and the mental wandering throughout his life during his four great masterpieces. The ecological approach that The Marble Faun displays is regarded to be helpful for overturning the situational development and the motive of change in ecological thinking. The masterpiece is responsible for rediscovering the value of ecological symbiosis. The former part of the masterpiece can be seen as the process of Miryam, Donatello murder in Rome and move to Montebeni recovering natural characteristic and waking up ecological awareness. Hawthorne adopts Montebeni's natural characteristic for recovering humanity of degenerated Donatello by murdering. The last part of the work goes on with an indirect corruption from also Kenyon and Hilda's murdering. However, Kenyon gets along with farmers visiting Montebeni and starts to get ecological awareness while enjoying the pastoral environment. In conclusion, even though The Marble Faun was written in the 19th century when environmental corruption and ecological crisis were not as serious as these days, we could identify that Hawthorne was one novelist who evoked ecological awareness through his masterpiece.


  A. 미리암과 도나텔로에 나타난 생태의식
  B. 몽트벤에서의 생태적 재현
  C. 케니언과 힐다에 투시된 생태의식


  • 박양근 Yangkeun Park. 부경대학교
  • 이치운 Chi-Wun Lee. 부산경상대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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