

The Effects of Online Peer Feedback with TrackChanges and Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication


Ho-Jung Yu, Hohsung Choe

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The Effects of Online Peer Feedback with TrackChanges and Synchronous Computer-Mediated Communication Ho-Jung Yu (Jeonju University) Hohsung Choe (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies) This study examined the feedback types that students focused on during one peer feedback session with TrackChanges in MS Word and the interactions that the students made in synchronous computer-mediated communication (SCMC). For this study, we investigated 10 university EFL students who were highly proficient levels of literacy in English. They were asked to use the tool of TrackChanges in constructing feedback on student writing and then to hold online conference with an online chatting tool. Data sets included peer’s written commentary with TrackChanges and transcripts of online conferencing. The findings indicated that the students focused primarily on the feedback types of wrong word, style, verb errors, sentence structure, and content. Also, they clarified their feedback in SCMC, although all of the feedback types guaranteed the subsequent revision. The implications of this study were discussed.


  A. Participants
  B. Course context
  C. Trainin procedures and task context
  D. Data collection
  A. Feedback types with TrackChanges in MS Word
  B. Peer response in SCMC
 Works Cited


  • Ho-Jung Yu Jeonju University
  • Hohsung Choe Hankuk University of Foreign Studies


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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