

타자 양크—오닐의 『털보 원숭이』


Yank the Other: O’Neill’s The Hairy Ape


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In The Hairy Ape, Yank, a stoker on a cargo ship, believes, with a strong sense of pride and dignity, the firemen’s forecastle where he works is the center of the world and that it is himself who moves the world. But one day Mildred, who represents the bourgeois class, appears to Yank in the shape of a “white ghost” and gives him a great shock by calling him a “filthy beast!”. The sense of humiliation and anger Mildred triggers in him is the driving force which motivates Yank’s subsequent actions. He leaves the stokehole where he has belonged and goes out into the New York streets. But he soon realizes that he is an ‘other’ in this developed and industrialized world. He tries hard to communicate with the people of the bourgeois class whom he encounters in both positive and negative situations only in vain. He is expelled even from the labor organization that he has thought he belongs to. In such a process he discovers his true self and, in the end, to identify his own existence as an ‘other’ he offers his hand to a gorilla in the zoo and puts an end to his struggle to save himself in death. This is indeed a good example of the fate of the other not accepted to the materialistic capitalist society. This is a play about the struggle for a human dignity of a man as the other in the face of the ruthless power of the stratified society and the tyrannical of industrialization.




  • 임미진 Meejin Lim. 전남대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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