

The Use of Allegory in Modern Drama: Allegorical Representation and the Avant-Garde


Gi Chan Yang

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The paper looks at the use of allegorical representation in Modern drama. The paper proposes to define and to reevaluate the use of allegory in Modern drama. Redefine how allegory is used, and to what purpose it is used in modern drama. The paper will demonstrate how allegory, allegorical representation in effect, has changed to adapt to the new stage. Allegory is no longer limited to words and its expressive powers as it was in the traditional context but has become more psychological. The paper also as to defines allegorically representation and its relation to objectivité. Allegorical representation to achieve its effects, has to be an ʻimitated imageʼ of reality, it should not be accepted as ʻrealʼ by the audience. The representation on stage is in relation to real but it is not a realistic image of society. Because it happens in a fictive world where there are no signs as to guide us where it is, in this sense, the dramatic theme requires and takes on a very objective perspective. Finally, The allegorical representation gives drama the expressive quality that which is easily lost in a materialistic perspective: openness in its translation and an objective perception which makes acceptable the story at hand to the audience even if it be fictive.


 Works Cited


  • Gi Chan Yang University of Suwon


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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