

‘대상’ 개념에 대한 비판적 일고찰


A Critical Study on the Concept of 'Object'

이지수, 조은영

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study searches for a precise meaning of 'object,' which is in general use as an important concept in the study of language. We first look into some instances of misunderstanding that have characterized previous definitions of the term, Dictionary definitions are also reviewed which strike one as problematic. In an attempt to grasp the precise meaning of 'object,' two concepts of the term are examined: first, whether to treat 'object' as a reality of the external or subjective consciousness of the inner substance; second, how to define the direction of the object. Object is suggestive of the subjective consciousness of the inner realities as well as the external ones. Furthermore, the objectivity of the consciousness and external realities are grounded in different meanings. In terms of directionality of the object, the direction of 'object to subject' as well as 'subject to object should be considered. Therefore, relationship between the subject and the object can be presupposed to be bidirectional.


I. 서론
 II. '대상' 용어 사용에 대한 검토
  2.1. 의미역의 문제
  2.2. 남기심(1993), 국어 조사의 용법 '-에'와 '-로'를 중심으로
  2.3. 임홍빈(1976), 副詞化와 對象性
 III. '대상' 개념에 대한 사전적 검토
  3.1 '대상'의 사전적 정의
  3.2 뜻풀이에서 '대상'이 사용되는 경우
 IV. '대상' 개념을 구성하는 의미요소들의 철학적 검토
  4.1 외적 실재로서의 대상과 내적 의식으로서의 대상
  4.2 주체와 객체(대상) 간의 양방향성
 V. 결론


  • 이지수 Jisoo Lee. 육군사관학교
  • 조은영 Eunyoung Cho. 육군사관학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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