

제2부 : 월간학술대회 발표논문

석면의 위해성과 국민건강권 확보를 위한 비교법적 검토


Harmfulness in asbestos and review from comparison method for securing national health right


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Asbestos has been used for roofing, walling and the like for the constructions since 60’s~70’s owing to its excellent fire resistance and heat insulative nature. However, it has banned to be used in major countries all over the world since WHO-affiliated International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) stipulated asbestos by a top carcinogen causing lung cancer, malignant mesothelioma and so on in 1986. Therefore, we had prohibited the use of asbestos on brakes for automobile since 2007 and on most of the products other than some cases of having no alternatives such as munitions from 2009. Nevertheless, diseases from asbestos have a long incubation period of 10~40 years, therefore, even if being exposed to asbestos, preliminary prevention is rather more important than instant possible damage as damages can be greater decades later. Accordingly, this thesis has a purpose to seek a plan in order to guarantee the rights of national health from harmfulness of asbestos by comparing and reviewing the policies on asbestos in advanced countries such as France, Japan, Netherlands and such like.


I. 개요
 II. 석면의 위해성
  1. 석면 이용 현황
  2. 석면의 위험성
  3. 서울 지하철 석면노출 위험
 III. 석면 규제 현황
  1. 국내 석면 관리현황
  2. 외국의 석면규제현황
 IV. 제언
  1. 슬레이트 관리
  2. 석면해체ㆍ제거공사의 분리발주 시행
  3. 리모델링 공사에 대한 석면 관리 방안 구축
  4. 석면조사 미실시 등에 대한 제재 규정 불합리
  5. 주택의 석면 해체ㆍ제거 기준 불합리
  6. 「석면피해구제법」 보완 사항


  • 정정일 Jeong, Jeong-Ile. 경기대학교 법과대학 대우교수, 법학박사


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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