

글로벌 페미니즘과 한국의 여성작가 : 최근 전시를 통해서 본 여성미술계의 지형변화


Global Feminisms and Women Artists in Korea : Topographical Changes As Seen in Recent Exhibitions


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This paper examines the recent exhibitions that reflect feminist global issues initiated and discussed by feminist artists, critics and curators in the U.S. and Korea. While the feminist exhibitions such as and maintain strong western feminist legacies by accepting women artists from other cultures who learn the western feminist idioms, Korean feminist exhibitions attempt to expand its discourse to the feminist artists in the neighboring countries in Asia while respecting Korean traditions and positions. In this new terrain, the emergence of Incheon Women Artists’ Biennale further complicates the meaning of feminist-initiated exhibitions. The biennale, initiated by local women artists untrained by feminism, gradually grows into a large-scale global event and challenges the current status quo of Korean artists who have been divided into feminists and non-feminists, regional artists and global artists, progressives and conservatives, and etc.


I. 들어가면서
 II. 글로벌 페미니즘과 최근 여성미술 전시
 III. 전시를 통해서 본 글로벌 시대의 한국 여성작가
  1. 한국 여성작가들의 스스로를 위한 전시 만들기
  2. 인천여성미술비엔날레
  3. 글로벌 시대의 한국 여성작가의 복잡한 지평
 Ⅳ. 나가며


  • 양은희 Yang, Eunhee. 숙명여자대학교 겸임교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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