


Factors Affecting Behavioral Intentions of Ubiquitous Services based onMobile



In mobile environments, customers can be provided real-time information and services
anywhere, independent of the user's location. To offer the unique characteristics of ubiquitous
services, this study was proposed user acceptance of ubiquitous services. The dimensions of
behavioral beliefs(perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use), service beliefs(perceived
ubiquitous access, perceived context awareness), and technology beliefs(perceived security
anxiety, perceived connectivity) were identified external variables, and intention to use
mobile services was identified dependent variable.
The major results of this study are as follows.
Firstly, perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use had an influence on intention to use
mobile services. And perceived ease of use influenced to perceived usefulness.
Secondly, both perceived ubiquitous access and perceived context awareness had influence
on intention to use mobile services.
Lastly, perceived connectivity influenced to intention to use mobile services but perceived
security anxiety didn’t.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical Background
  2.1 Mobile Services
  2.2 Technology Acceptance Model
 3. Research Model
  3.1 Behavioral Beliefs
  3.2 Service Beliefs
  3.3 Technology Beliefs
  3.4 Measures
 4. Method and results
  4.1 Research Design and Participants
  4.2 reliability and validity analysis
  4.3 Test of Hypotheses
 5. Conclusion and Implications


  • Byung Gon Kim Namseoul University
  • Mi Zin No Kyungpook National University
  • Soon Chang Park Hyupsung University


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