


Examining the Revised Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model of the Intention to Use Mobile Internet Service: Comparative Analysis of Korea and China



As recently mobile Internet has spread with the expansion of diffusion of mobile communication, the interest in mobile Internet service has been increased and thus since a few years ago studies related to mobile Internet service have started. This study intends to widen the understanding through an academic consideration about Technology Readiness Index (TRI) theories that are the core of this study. And this study intends to explain the influence factor of use of the technology, mobile Internet, on the basis of the concept of Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model (TRAM). In particular, this study intends to clarify the understanding about Technology Readiness (TR) and technology acceptance by dividing the four dimensions of TRI that were considered as the problems of TRAM, that is, optimism, innovativeness, discomfort and insecurity largely into the positive TR (optimism and innovativeness) and the negative TR (discomfort and insecurity). Finally, this study intends to add the hedonic motive among the behavior motives of human beings that were passed over in Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) as a perceived enjoyment variable and to thereby inspect the influence relationship. And more, this study intends to review the difference between countries through the inspection of TRAM on the basis of the characteristics of mobile Internet users in Korea and China and to thereby more clearly explain the influence of technology acceptance following the TR of individuals academically. In addition, this study intends to provide a suggestion to practical aspect of enterprises in relation to the advance and spread of new technologies into the Chinese market.


 1. Introduction
 2. Theoretical background
  2.1 Technology Readiness Index
  2.2 Technology Acceptance Model
  2.3 Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model
 3. Research model and hypotheses development
  3.1 Research model
  3.2 Hypotheses development
 4. Empirical analysis
  4.1 Collection of data
  4.2 Measures
  4.3 Measurement model
  4.4 Path analyses and hypotheses testing
  4.5 Discussion
 5. Conclusions


  • Jong Chul Oh Ansan University
  • Sung Joon Yoon Kyonggi University
  • Namho Chung Kyung Hee University


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