


6속 자동변속기 밸브바디의 윤활오일유량 분배 특성 연구


A Study on the Lubrication Flow Distribution in a Six-speed Automatic Transmission Valve Body

김진용, 나병철, 이계철

피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



In general, a valve body of the automatic transmission(AT) is controlled by the clutch, the brake and lubricating oil flow in a hydraulic system and lubricant flow for each valve can be adjusted independently. To increase the lifetime of AT, the lubrication flow rate in a valve body for a 6 speed AT based parallel hybrid electric vehicle must be provided with proper oil distribution and control. In this study, we carried out several experiments without the inner parts of AT and with a AT assembly. The variation of the flow rate on oil temperature and pressure between an oil supply port and the outlets of the lubrication port was evaluated and analyzed. In the case of AT without the inner parts, it was evident that as the oil required for an operation of the clutch and brake was discharged from the outlet port, the flow rate from each lubrication port is decreased. However, the flow rate of the AT assembly was slightly increased. In addition, the lubrication flow rate was increased with increasing the oil temperature, and also it was reduced with increasing the oil pressure. Details of the resulting data are discussed.


 1. 서론
 2. 실험장치 및 실험방법
  2.1 시스템 구성
  2.2 시스템 실험 장치 및 실험 방법
 3. 실험결과 및 고찰
 4. 결론


  • 김진용 Jin-Yong Kim. 자동차부품연구원
  • 나병철 Byung-Chul Na. 자동차부품연구원
  • 이계철 Kye-Cheul Lee. 군장대학


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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