

이성선 시의 미적 거리에 관한 연구


A study on the aesthetic distance of the poem of Lee, Sung-Sun


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The purpose of this paper is to study the aesthetic distance of the poem of Lee, Sung-Sun. This study examines the discussions until recently regarding the aesthetic and psychological distance and investigates the features of the aesthetic distance, appeared in the poem of Lee, Sung-Sun. First, the subject, as the poetic material that can the factors of the aesthetic distance, and the subject and the aesthetic distance of the poem of Lee, Sung-Sun, will be looked into. And then, the speaker, the attitude of the speech and the features of the speakers in the poem of Lee, Sung-Sun will be analyzed. And the tone that reflects the attitude of speaker will be looked into and the alienation technique of the poem of Lee, Sung-Sun will be carefully considered. In the poetic world of the poem of Lee, Sung-Sun, the poetic mind strongly pursing the absent objects identically appear in early, middle and late period. In early period, the voice wanting to unite with absent subject in the form of praying to the absolute, like the sky, appears. The aesthetic distance to the subject shows the example of the adjustment of relatively short distance. However, it can be found that the attitude like this has changed as it approach the middle period. The unity with the absent subject has been displayed in the environmentally friendly attitude. The aesthetic distance to the subject also changes to the example of appropriate adjustment of distance. However, the expectation and the pursuit for the absent subject shows the features of pantheism, when nearing the poem of late period. The figures of a poet who accepts the death and stands on the last wandering road on earth can be found. The figure of a poet remaining aloof from the approaching death, shows the adjustment of the distance farther from the poetic subject.


1. 서론
 2. 대상의 발견과 거리조정
 3. 화자의 특징과 거리조정의 변모양상
 4. 어조의 변화와 거리조정
 5. 소외기법과 대상의 관조
 6. 결론


  • 노창선 Kno, Chang-Seon. 충주대학교 문예창작학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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