

『東人詩話』에 나타난 중국시의 수용양상


A Study on the Aspect to receive The Chinese Poetry in 『Dong In Si Wha(東人詩話)』

『동인시화』에 나타난 중국시의 수용양상


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Seo Geo-Jeong(徐居正), the writer of 『Dong In Si Wha(東人詩 話)』, thinks that the poetry of our country have to hand down to posterity separately from the chinese poetry, since they preserve the instruction and occasionally spread the nation's prestige in china. It makes about two hundreds times mentions of the chinese poet and poetry in 『Dong In Si Wha』. But the mentions concentrate in the poet and poetry of the Tang(唐) dynasty and the Song(宋) dynasty. And the only six poets are mentioned more than five times in 『Dong In Si Wha』, they are Li Po(李 白), Tu Fu(杜甫), Han Yu(韓愈), Chia Tao(賈島) in the Tang dynasty and Su Shih(蘇軾), Wang An Shih(王安石) in the Song dynasty. A part of the poets in Koryo(高麗) recite the six poets's poem with pleasure and they are enthusiastically earnest in learning their works. And they regard the six poets's works as the fine type of verse writing, and particularly take final aim at Li Po, Tu Fu and Su Shih. Su Shih is the most many times mentioned in Dong In Si Wha, but he is more or less inferior to Tu Fu for the subject of diverse discussion about verse writing. On the whole, Seo Geo-Jeong regard the poetry of the Tang dynasty as the fine type of verse writing, and regard the poetry of the Song(宋), Won(元) dynasty on a equivalent level with the poetry in Koryo. And Seo Geo-Jeong disparage the poems written by the diplomatic corps of Ming(明) dynasty.


1. 序
 2. 『東人詩話』의 찬술 의도
 3. 우리 文人의 중국 시에 대한 인식
  1) 唐代詩人과 詩에 대한 인식
  2) 宋代詩人과 詩에 대한 인식
  3) 元ㆍ明代詩人과 詩에 대한 인식
 4. 結語


  • 金聖基 김성기. 충북대학교 국어국문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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