

국어 문법과 主語


Korean Grammar and Subject

국어 문법과 주어


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



The 'subject' has been recognized as an essential element of the sentence in discussions about the Korean grammar. This is attributed to the traditional idea that Korean sentences are analysed structurally as constituting 'subject+predicate'. However, the notion of 'subject' is a mere hypothetical entity, whose validity for the grammar has never been questioned and justified. While many grammarians have taken the notion of 'subject' for granted, they have never provided a clear definition and evidence for it. In fact there is no evidence proving that the subject is a necessary sentential element in Korean; in other words, there is no legitimate marker for the subject. In addition, a closer examination of the previous works on the subject reveals that their discussions contain many logically contradictory statements. The current article claims on these two facts that the syntactic category of subject does not exist in the Korean grammar.


1. 머리말
 2. 주어 논의의 비중과 문제점
 3. 주어 개념의 실재 여부
 4. 주어의 대안을 찾아서
 5. 마무리


  • 강창석 Kang, Chang-Seok. 충북대학교 인문대학 국어국문학과 교수


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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