

정상 신기능 직장암 환자에서 Intravenous Tramadol 이회 투여 후 호흡곤란 발생 증례 보고


Respiratory Depression After the Second Dose of Intravenous Tramadol in a Rectal Cancer Patient with Normal Renal Function: A Clinical Case Report

강희원, 이유정



We report an unusual case of respiratory depression and prolonged apnea after the second dose of 100-mg intravenous tramadol. Due to continuous pain at foley catheter keep site, intravenous tramadol was administered to the patient. Soon after the second dose of tramadol injection, the patient became apneic. The patient did not respond to verbal command and started exhibiting oxygen desaturation. The patient was quickly treated with 100% oxygen, and it took 4 hours for the spontaneous respiration to return to regular. This case report demonstrates that even two doses of tramadol administered intravenously may manifest as sudden and prolonged apnea. Respiratory depression with tramadol has been reported in patients with impaired renal functions and Cytochrome P(CYP) 2D6 gene duplication


 증례 서술
 토론 및 결론


  • 강희원 Hee Won Kang. 연세대학교 세브란스병원 약무국, 숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원
  • 이유정 Yu Jeung Lee. 숙명여자대학교 임상약학대학원


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