

포스터 발표 : 화장품

Cosmetic Ingredients from Solvent Fractions of Apple Flower Leaf Extract



Solvent fractions of apple flower leaf was investigated for the screening of functional food and cosmetic materials. The content of phenolic compound and flavonoid in ethylacetate fraction was measured as 809.90 ㎎/g and 140 ㎎/g. The DPPH radical scavenging activities was over 80% at a concentration of 200 ㎍�/㎕and SOD like activity was over 90% at 50 ㎍�/㎖concentration in ethylacetate fraction. Tyrosinase inhibition activity related to skin-whitening was over 60% by ethylacetate fraction at 100 ㎍�/㎖�. As an anti-aging effect, the elastase inhibitory activity was about 45% in ethylacetate fraction. The highly active compounds were isolated and identified as kaempferol by GC/MSD analysis. In conclusion, it was indicated that apple flower leaf extract could be used for dietary and cosmetical purpose.


  • Sun Ju Choi Dept. of Food and Biotechnology and Center for Function and Safety, Hoseo University, Asan 336-795, Korea
  • Eun Ah Cho Dept. of Food and Biotechnology and Center for Function and Safety, Hoseo University, Asan 336-795, Korea
  • Eun Hye Cho Dept. of Food and Biotechnology and Center for Function and Safety, Hoseo University, Asan 336-795, Korea
  • Jimin Yoo R&D center, Cotde Co., Ltd, Cheonan 330-858, Korea
  • Yoonjoo Jeong R&D center, Cotde Co., Ltd, Cheonan 330-858, Korea
  • Byungjhip Ha R&D center, Cotde Co., Ltd, Cheonan 330-858, Korea
  • Hee Jeong Chae Dept. of Food and Biotechnology and Center for Function and Safety, Hoseo University, Asan 336-795, Korea


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