

포스터 발표 : 바이오센서 및 바이오칩

Nanoparticle Tin Oxide-Based, UVB-Activated Ink for Oxygen Detection



Oxygen is the main reason for food spoilage not only because it can chemically react with food but also because its presence is vital for the growth of food spoilage organism. Hence, modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) is born to elongate food shelf-life via reducing the oxygen concentration in package. Along with MAP is the demand for easy and quick analytical methods for detecting the presence of oxygen. This oxygen indicator should be non-toxic, water insoluble, cheap, reliable and sensitive. A solvent-based, irreversible colorimetric ink - consisting of a photosensitiser SnO2, a mild reducing agent, a redox dye, and an encapsulating polymer - was described in this research. Based on this ink, an ink-coated film lost its color rapidly upon exposure to UVB and remains colorless in absence of O2, returning to its original color in the presence of oxygen. Unlike its TiO2 - based predecessor, this ink prevented the undesirable reactivation by UVA light from white fluorescent light in food cabinet. Effects of type and ratio of the ink components were examined to improve the reliability and sensitivity of the oxygen indicator. The m echanism of this indicator along with its potential application was also discussed.


  • Hai Chau Thai VU Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul, 100-715.
  • Nan Young JANG Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul, 100-715.
  • Keehoon WON Department of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering, Dongguk University-Seoul, Seoul, 100-715.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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