

일반 논문

2011년 도입 고등학교 『국어』 교과서 쓰기전략 분석 -자기 주도적 쓰기전략을 중심으로


Analysis of writing strategies in 「Korean」 textbook for high school: Based on self-regulated writing strategies


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



Analysis of writing strategies in 「Korean」 textbook for high school: Based on self-regulated writing strategies Oh, Sae-young In the 21st century, the ‘communicative competency’ has been accounted. The ‘communication competency’ is and important capability to communicate with others clearly by structurzing and systematizing their thoughts in various ways. It is accomplished through ‘speaking, listening, reading and writing’ activities. Especially the writing activity is a higher-order thinking process that requires wide knowledge of language. So far, the literacy education is not regarded as an important part in Korea. Furthermore the education for writing that needs higher-level thinking process does not performed appropriately. Thus we need to study on the direction of learning to fulfill the needs and the flow of time by examining curriculum and contents for writing education. In this paper, the 7th revision of Korean language curriculum and writing strategies are analyzed using 16 kinds of Korean textbooks. The term, ‘writing strategy’, is not appeared in the education curriculum. And the achievement standards concerned with writing process do not exist either. The similar analysis results are issued and writing strategy is also absent 2011년 도입 고등학교 󰡔국어󰡕 교과서 쓰기전략 분석․281 in Korean language textbook. From now on, textbooks should be changed to the type that enables teach self-regulated writing strategy efficiently. The goal of learning should be changed to acquire capability to manage a higher-level problem through self-regulated writing strategy. It is required to teach writing skills properly by configuring that the ‘writing’ is learned in ‘body’ of the section of writing. The learning activity should be configured with learning contents that set up writing strategy correctly focusing on its own self-regulated writing strategy. Learning objectives, writing learning in ‘body’ and learning activity should be reformed to perform writing activity by establishing self-regulated writing strategy perspectively


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 2007 개정 교육과정 쓰기전략 분석
  1. 쓰기전략
  2. 2007 개정 교육과정과 쓰기전략
 Ⅲ. 『국어』 교과서 쓰기전략 분석
  1. 교과서의 쓰기전략 분석
  2. 교과서 쓰기전략의 특징
 Ⅳ. 『국어』교과서의 쓰기전략 제시방향
  1. 자기 주도적 쓰기전략 교수
  2. 『국어』 교과서의 쓰기전략의 제시방향
 Ⅴ. 맺음말


  • 오세영 Oh, Sae-young. 고려대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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