

포스터 발표 : 환경생물 및 에너지

Continuous ethanol production of sludge-containing mash through Simultaneous saccharification and fermentation



Methods of producing bioethanol, a promising biofuel from renewable sources, have gained increasing attention because of concerns about rising oil prices and global environmental problems. While cassava is considered a particularly attractive raw material for bioethanol production, it is a starchy substrate, and pretreatment is needed to saccharify and liquefy the starch so that microorganisms can process it. Moreover, filtering is generally needed to keep suspended solids from interrupting continuous processing. We present a simultaneous saccharification and continuous fermentation (SSCF) process using the self-flocculating yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae CHFY0321 and sludge-containing cassava mash. We demonstrate the potential of this process as a cost-effective method of producing bioethanol from cassava without additional saccharification, inoculation, or filtering processes.



  • Se-Kwon MOON Changhae Institute of Cassava and Ethanol Research, Changhae Ethanol Co., Ltd., Jeonju 561-203.
  • Kyeong-Mo KO Changhae Institute of Cassava and Ethanol Research, Changhae Ethanol Co., Ltd., Jeonju 561-203.
  • Seung-Wook KIM Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, Korea University, Seoul 136-701.
  • Gi-Wook CHOI Changhae Institute of Cassava and Ethanol Research, Changhae Ethanol Co., Ltd., Jeonju 561-203.


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