

포스터 발표 : 환경생물 및 에너지

Bacterial community of carbon dioxide utilizing bacteria from the plate-type electrochemical bioreactor



Carbon dioxide (CO2) has been regarded as a main green house gas affecting global warming, and thus enormous efforts have been focused in order to make a balance between generation and fixation of carbon dioxide. We developed a new electrochemical bioreactor to cultivate chemoautotrophic bacteria capable of growing with carbon dioxide and electric energy. In this study, bacterial community grown in the electrochemical bioreactor was analyzed by pyrosequencing technique. We selected two main predominant species, Acromobacter and Alcaligenes, and are studying their efficacy for the fixation of carbon dioxide.


  • Il Lae JUNG Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute.
  • Bo Young JEON1 Seokyeong University.
  • Doo Hyun PARK Seokyeong University.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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