

포스터 3분 스피치 : 좌장 : 김 준 형(동아대), 황 동 수(POSTECH)

Simple Preparation of Pathogenic Bacterial 16S rRNA from Food Matrix for Practical Use of DNA Microarray



It has been needed to develop rapid, sensitive, and accurate techniques for detection and diagnosis of pathogenic bacteria, especially in food safety and hygiene. Thus, there have been many attempts to apply the DNA microarray as one of pathogenic bacteria detection methods. To employ DNA microarray for food safety, target DNA must be prepared by extraction from food matrix, amplified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and labeled using fluorescent dye. It is not easy to directly extract the DNA from food and takes a long time for target DNA preparation. In the present work, we established the 16S rDNA-based oligonucleotide microarray detection system using RNAs from food bacteria. Also, we constructed the simple pathogenic bacteria RNAs extraction and treatment from various food matrixes. Using this technique, we confirmed the detection of pathogenic bacteria from diverse food matrixes such as grain, meat, milk, egg, and vegetable. Although background signal was raised, it was successful to detect a model pathogenic bacterium. Therefore, we expect that this technique for direct detection of pathogenic bacteria from many food matrixes is functional.


  • Hwa Hui SHIN Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Byeong Hee HWANG Department of Chemical Engineering
  • Hyung Joon CHA Department of Chemical Engineering Ocean Science and Technology Institute.


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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