

Bio-inspired Biotechnology Symposium : 공동개최 : KAIST 분자생물공정융합기술연구단 : 좌장 : 박 찬 범(KAIST)

Biomimetic Artificial Photosynthesis: Visible Light-Driven Cofactor Regeneration and Photoenzymatic Synthesis



The regeneration of nicotinamide cofactors is critically needed for the promotion of economically feasible redox enzymatic processes; however, it remains a key unsolved problem over the last decades. In biocatalytic systems, enzymes catalyze and build intricate products with an amazing specificity under environmentally benign conditions. With recent advances in genomics and genetic engineering, the use of biocatalysis for industrial synthetic chemistry is growing rapidly. Most of the biocatalysis in current use, however, are limited to cofactorindependent enzymes, such as hydrolases, which perform relatively simple chemistry. In comparison, cofactor-dependent enzymes are capable of performing much more complex chemistry and catalyzing a large number of synthetically useful reactions. In this talk, I will discuss about how to regenerate cofactors photochemically by using visible light to couple with redox enzymatic reactions. The success of this approach will open a promizing route to fix solar energy in the form of fine chemicals towards the development of biomimetic artificial photosynthesis. Artificial photosynthesis will create a technological foundation for the efficient synthesis and production of fine chemicals utilizing solar energy.


  • Chan Beum PARK Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
  • Jungki RYU Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
  • Dong Heon NAM Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
  • Jae Hong KIM Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
  • Minah LEE Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology.
  • Joon Seok LEE Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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