


조선전기 한일관계사 연구의 학설사적 검토


A Study on the Historiography of Korean-Japanese Relations in Early Joseon Dynasty


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study examined the research publications on Korean-Japanese relations in early Joseon Dynasty which were published from 1945 to present. The most significant thing in this study is that there have been lots of accumulation of advanced researches on many fields in the relations such as exchanges of envoys and culture, repatriation of castaways, understanding of Japan by diplomatic Joseon envoys, and studies of Ye Yi and Suk-ju Shin who made decisions on Joseon policy toward Japan. But there are still many research areas that needed more analyses and compromises among theoretical confrontations. For example, following issues should be discussed more accurately: the period division and diplomatic system, the sources and bases of Japanese raiders, the process of Gye-Hae Agreement and violators of trade agreements, the time of installation of Japanese trade agency, and the location of Go-Cho Islands. Among those issues, two of them, violators of agreed trade, the sources and bases of Japanese raiders, have been the most complicated problems in which many Korean scholars argue against each other. The issues of tax collection from Sam-Po Port Japanese, Hyang-Hwa Japanese and Su-Jik Japanese, actual condition of trade between two nations, and relations of two nations after Japanese invasion of Sam-Po still needed more researches and discussions among scholars. This paper suggests several measures to study the unexplored fields and solve the confrontation of theories. First, more research resources should be dedicated to those unexplored fields. Second, the research subjects need to be enlarged and departmentalized in various ways. Third, basic studies on related records such as the Annals of Choson Dynasty have to be preceded. Fourth, researchers on this field have to extend their interests into areas of East Asia. Fifth, joint researches between two nations are needed to overcome the differences and confrontations of theories among scholars.


Ⅰ. 머리말
 Ⅱ. 시기구분과 외교체제
  1. 시기구분
  2. 외교체제
 Ⅲ. 왜구 문제
 Ⅳ. 왜인의 통제와 통교 위반자
  1. 계해약조의 정약
  2. 통교 위반자의 문제
  3. 三浦倭亂과 그 이후의 한일관계
 Ⅴ. 向化倭人과 受職倭
 Ⅵ. 三浦와 倭館
  1. 왜관의 기원
  2. 삼포항거왜인의 수세문제
  3. 孤草島의 위치 문제
 Ⅶ. 교역
 Ⅷ. 맺음말


  • 한문종 Han, Moon-Jong. 전북대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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