

텍스트 연구문헌 검색사이트


Text Linguistics Bibliography Research Web Site


피인용수 : 0(자료제공 : 네이버학술정보)



This study aims at developing a web site which searches a list of books or articles in textlinguistics field only. The web sites which cover the individual branches of science are needed besides the existing portal site which covers the world or the academic site which covers the broaden science. The ways of developing the web site are as follows: First, we design the web site with the basic functions needed to academic scholars. Second, an item as a book or an article in the database of the web site records author(s), title, keyword(s), publication year/place, publisher, and the article records the additional journal name, volume no., and page. Third, users can advance his/her search into article or book section, and then (1) title or words of title, (2) keywords (in article), (3) author(s), (4) publication year, (5) publication place, or (6) publisher. Because the web site ( searches into five or six options in textlinguistics field only, it gives it an edge over other web sites.


 1. 머리말
 2. 선행연구
 3. 사이트 개발
  3.1 개발 방법
  3.2 개발 결과
  3.3 논의
 4. 결론
 부록 : 텍스트언어학 분야 학술지 및 시리즈 목록


  • 김용도 Yong- Do Kim. 부산외국어대학교


자료제공 : 네이버학술정보

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